
#AndThatsAWrap – The Hard Way @dcbrockwell1 #BlogTour

Well it is a sad day but The Hard Way tour has now finished!

If you have been following the tour, this the live link for the entire schedule, and more about The Hard Way! Click here

So what have we discovered over the last 8 days? (Click on the blogger’s name to go to the full review)

The tour kicked off on 19th April 2021, PUBLICATION DAY day and we are treated to

We had a review by Cheryl at Cheryl M-M’s Book Blog, she says, “It’s a contemporary crime read, a gritty urban story with an organised crime vibe with a bit of a Line of Duty feel to it. You just don’t know who you can trust and the duo better be prepared to fight fire with fire or one of them might just end up a statistic. It’s fast-paced, brutal and unforgiving at times.

*I mean who does NOT love the Line of Duty reference here!*

Alyson at The Word Is Out said in her review, “it is an exciting read, where loyalties are tested and the lines are sometimes blurred but which will definitely have the reader on the edge of their seat right up to the explosive and shocking ending

*Well now I have to know how it ends!*

This wonderful review by Mandie at Jen Med’s Book Reviews, here is a snippet of her thoughts, “ The Hard Way is the first book that I have read by Duncan Brockwell and he certainly knows how to start with a bang…This is certainly a fast-paced book that has quite a few twists and turns that will keep you guessing as to who is responsible and why and who the investigating officers can actually trust

*Can’t believe that was your first book by Duncan! Glad you enjoyed it so much!!*

And that was the end of Day 1!

It is Tuesday, it is the 20th April and it is Day 2!

We kicked off our Tuesday with Dawn at Dawn’s Book Reviews, here is what she thought about this 5* read, “Duncan Brockwell is a new author for me, so I didn’t know what to expect. What I got was some fantastic writing, an eye-popping plot, solid and strong characters, and a hankering for more!

*What a review! Keep your eyes peeled for more of Duncan’s books soon!*

Jo at Over the Rainbow Book Blog shares her thoughts, “The plot line was really fast paced and fantastically written with lots going on so the book was hard to put down. There were lots of different threads going on at once which just added to my enjoyment as it was interesting to see how everything came together. The many twists and turns kept me guessing until the end and I was taken by surprise with the ending which I always like. I’d definitely like to read more from this author in the future.

*Another new fan to Duncs! He is on a roll.*

Rach at Nev’s Book Cave stopped by with her fabulous review, “I was hooked from the opening chapter. Actually hooked. I mean being present for a murder (or three) immediately, really gets your attention and draws you in. In fact over the course of the book, you are witness to several more!

*Don’t you just love a book that can start with a bang!*

And we then we had a rest! Phew!

It is the 21st April, it is a Wednesday, it is hump day!

The Book Magnet treated us to this review, “Thought-provoking, intriguing and very compelling, The Hard Way has everything that you want in a good thriller: strong characters, a gripping plot and a very interesting premise.  I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.

*So we have it starts with a bang and that it is thought-provoking! This does sound like a book that has everything!*

Donna at Donnas Book Blog, told us, “The book was nice and fast paced so it helped hold my attention – it had a great flow to it and I found I was flying through the pages after a couple of chapters as I wanted to know more, more about the characters, more about the story and how it would all end was being questioned even at that point – it was a really addictive read for me

*Quite a few people have said they flew through the book, that is a sign of an awesome book!*

We had this review by Avid Readers Club, “Don’t expect subtlety, try to keep up with the breakneck pace, enjoy the non-stop action, wince at the bullets tearing through flesh and bone and pass the popcorn please!

*Can I grab some of that popcorn too??*

It is Thursday 22nd April and very nearly the weekend! While we wait we will celebrate with these ladies!

Donna at Donnas Interviews Reviews and Giveaways kicked the day off with this review! “This book opens with a bang and doesn’t let up on the action until the very last page.”

*Action, action, action – now who does not love some of that*

Which led nicely to this review by Karen at Books and Me!, “It was full of action and was told at a great pace that kept everything moving along, and not going off on a tangent or overplaying things too much.  What becomes clear is that some people would go to extreme lengths for their own benefits and that dark element keeps the story and all the different threads nicely ticking along for your reading enjoyment!!

*I have a feeling that this book is quite action-packed!*

Kath at Kath V Books, says in her 5* review “I enjoyed having two strong female leads at the centre of this thriller and (no spoilers) the build up to the finale made my toes curl!

*What a day of reviews!!! Two strong females is always good!*

It is Fri-YAY and these wonderful people have shared these thoughts on 23rd April.

Lynda at Lynda’s Book Reviews started the day with this review, “This is a fast paced book. There is something happening on every page and you need to keep up. Plenty of action and surprises all the way. It’s hard not to post spoilers so I’ll just say it’s a good read and I would definitely recommend.

*More action going on!! I am not sure I can keep up!*

Gingerbookgeek checked in with this review, “‘The Hard Way’ is superbly written but then I have thought that to be true of Duncan’s books in general.  He certainly knows how to grab your attention from the start and draw you into what proves to be a compelling story.  For me, the story hit the ground running and maintained a fast pace throughout.  Reading ‘The Hard Way’ felt like being on a scary and unpredictable rollercoaster ride with more twists and turns than you would find on a ‘Snakes & Ladders’ board.

*I love this about Snakes and Ladders! Just awesome!*

It is the weekend! It is time for a beer or two, but before, check out these reviews on Saturday 24th April

Sharon at Sharon Beyond the Books was excited to tell us, “I was that engrossed I managed to read it in a day! I must say I have been eagerly waiting for this book as Duncan writes excellent stories so I knew I was in for a treat when I began this.”

*Don’t you just love it when an author you love delivers on their books!*

Julie Loves Reading is giving out a 5* for this book, here is why “This becomes clear later in the book and there’s a nail biting car chase that ends up with everyone trapped and lives lost. This is a fast paced crime thriller that I really enjoyed.”

*I best make sure my nails are long to be able to bite them after reading this!*

We then headed over to Anne at Run Away Irish Girl, she says, “We meet many characters throughout the story and your suspicions are on high alert from the get go trying to figure out who is doing this and your suspicious of any who is somewhat shady.”

*I will be keeping my eyes out for the shady ones*

Sunday 25th April kicked off with a cuppa and these reviews!

Vik at Little Miss Book Lover 87, shared these fab thoughts, “This is definitely a fast paced and gritty novel which will capture your attention and keep you hooked from page one.”

*There is a definitely a recurring theme here with this book!!*

Pauline Render-Byron says, “In writing The Hard Way, Duncan has produced a fantastic read which fulfils everything I need in a great tale. Plenty of deaths, tension, action, human emotion with a splash of humour added. It’s a brilliant book and hopefully I’ll get to see a lot more of Hayes and Miller in the future!”

*I have to agree with all of this!*

26th April, Monday, marks the FINAL day of the tour, and this is how we finished,

Zooloo’s Book Diary, well what did I think? “The pace is fast, our only relief was to see the personal lives of our characters outside the case. However, yes however, when we are with them outside the case, you were urging the book to hurry up so you can find out what the frick is going on!! I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Why were all these people dying? What was linking them? WHAT WAS GOING ON????”

*Ahem, no comment*

Emma at Emma R says in this honest review, “The Hard Way has been a thoroughly entertaining read. Dark, fast paced brutal, though not overly gory (thankfully!) the cosy crime plot I thought I was getting grew legs and became something far more interesting, evolving at last into a wonderfully cinematic-style finale.”

*This really would be amazing on the big screen!!*

And the final review is by Sharon at Stardust Book Reviews a new fan of Duncan’s, “This was definitely a fast paced read with lots of twists and turns to keep you on your toes, making sure once you picked it up you won’t put it down until you’ve finished it. It is full of thrills and spills, with plenty of gruesome action and bad guys galore. I shall definitely be looking out for more by this author, and I can’t wait to see if there is another book after this to pick up Hayes and Miller’s story again! Would definitely recommend!

*I agree with everything about this review!!!!*

Thank you to everyone who took part in the tour! Your reviews have been amazing!!

The book is out now to buy! I hope we have done enough to make you want to go out and treat yourself!

Here is a link to the book too

Sometimes there is only one course of action…

When intruders enter a radio station and kill a famed presenter it sets in motion a chain of events that will push the Metropolitan Police to their limits.

Officers Hayes and Miller are on the trail of a suspect and when Eric Helsey is detained, the police realise they have arrested the wrong man. 

As the case grows more complicated with each revelation, and the body count rises, they find themselves investigating a series of crimes, all of which may be linked. 

But what ties the murder of the radio host with a Turkish casino owner and the killing of two employees at a valve factory?  

Hayes and Miller find themselves in a race against time to get to the truth before more people are hurt…

Until next time xxx

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