The tour has ended, thank you to everyone who took part.
Here you can see a wrap-up of the tour!
You can follow the reviews with the poster, and the tour page here – Love the Sinner

Publication Day: 5th July 2023
Publisher: Brigids Gate Press
According to Dante, a sin is the misdirection of love – the human will, or essentially, the direction of our beings.
Love the Sinner is an examination of just how those sins can kaleidoscope into horrific consequences creating a distorted and deadly landscape.
These stories stand stark before you in full glaring misstep and macabre to show the human psyche in all its twisted reality.
From grief and its rage to medical meddling to ensure a new world order to bloody revenge within a quantum leap, these stories seek to solidify one absolute truth: man is the scariest monster.

Meet Mo Moshaty
Mo Moshaty is a genre screenwriter, author, and lecturer. With a concentration on psychological and possession horror in her writing, Mo’s background as a Trauma Specialist and Behavioral Therapist provides a sturdy foundation. She is the creator of the course, “Writing Trauma Respectfully for Screen ” and was a Guest Lecturer for Prairie View A&M University’s Film and TV Program and with Horror BAFSS in Sheffield, UK for No Return: A Yellowjackets Symposium.
Mo is a journalist, and co-founder with Nyx Horror Collective and co-producer of the 13 Minutes of Horror Film Festival featured on The Shudder Channel. Nyx Horror Collective was founded by a group of diverse woman-identifying horror creators to develop, celebrate, and elevate original, women-led horror content.
As a core member of Nyx, she has recently partnered with Stowe Story Labs to provide a fellowship for women writers over 40 working in the genre. Mo also served as Associate Producer on Scottish Indie SciFi Horror web series, “Cops and Monsters”, and was ecstatic to shine more of a light on indie horror.
Mo’s most recent literary work can be found in “A Quaint and Curious Volume of Gothic Tales”, published by Brigid’s Gate Press and “206 Word Stories” by Bag O’ Bones Press.

Brigids Gate Press
Welcome to Brigids Gate Press
Where the gates are always open,
the Forge of Inspiration hot,
the inkwells perpetually full,
the Well of Creativity infinite
And the kettle is always on.
Brigids Gate Press, an indie press established in 2021 by Heather, Clyde, and S.D. Ventura-Vassallo, believes in the power of STORY. We seek to be a forge where new and underrepresented talents are refined and developed, and their stories shaped and tempered into beautiful, dark, mysterious, and thrilling tales that will delight readers. Above all, we seek to do our utmost to help and encourage writers on their journeys.
Underrepresented authors are welcome. Unagented authors are welcome.
Currently, our focus is on horror, dark fantasy, poetry, and romance. We aren’t afraid of mash-ups of more than one genre and will go the extra mile to market those books in a way that gets into the right readers’ hands. As of now, we use print on demand services via Amazon and IngramSpark. This allows us to keep upfront print costs low while allotting more of the budget to anthologies, art, and marketing. Using print on demand also allows us to take risks on manuscripts that may be harder to place with other publishers. Our goal is to get your story out into the world. Afterall, someone, somewhere, is eagerly awaiting it.

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