The tour has ended, thank you to everyone who took part.
Here you can see a wrap-up of the tour!
You can follow the reviews with the poster, and the tour page here – Love & Being

Publication Day: 17th May 2024
published by: Castle Priory Press
Love and Being is a collection of poems compiled over thirty years reflecting on the author’s experiences in a complicated world.
Whether it’s a phobia of velour or living with an abusive partner, this anthology tips between humour and horror as her curious mind tries to understand what it is just to be.
Trigger Warnings : There are poems about physical and sexual abuse, grief, bullying, depression, phobias and miscarriage.

Meet JM Langan
JM Langan’s work has been published in various online journals and anthologies including; The Cabinet of Heed, The Drabble, 50-Word Stories, Poetic Sun and The Crowstep Journal – Jane is working on her first novel. She has an MA in creative writing.
When she is not writing she can be found either tap dancing or gardening, usually not at the same time.
She is also a mum, wife and the cat’s obedient servant.

Castle Priory Press
Ruth & Jane met while they were doing their masters in creative writing. Since then they have both written novels and short stories. Ruth has published a couple of novels and a children’s book and Jane has published a poetry book. They were also co-founders and editors of the online creative arts magazine Makarelle.

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