Book Review : Meet the Parents by Emily Shiner

Posted August 29, 2024 by Zoé in Book Review / 0 Comments


I knew that Emily would put me through a wringer but that final final final final blow is what did it for me! Jeez! I had an inkling where it might go, as I love Emily’s books so I knew we would have a fatal blow, but that last sentence left me breathless.

It’s a huge game of cat and mouse, and you are never sure who the cat or the mouse is! It changes so many times, so many red flags and so much behaviour which is deemed normal, where Owen doesn’t bat an eyelid!

I would love to have known more about Gina and her past. I would love to know why Aunt B, I have so many questions but I also have a semi-satisfying ending too. What a conundrum!

A strong book for Ms Shiner! She is the Queen on these stingers, these crazy characters who suck you in, who try to make you believe one thing but you can see the truth….but what you don’t know is that they are still hiding from you – these characters still hide truths from the reader. Twisted!!!

I am in awe of how she writes each book with a refreshing spin, without losing the story or the addiction to reading her tales of woe – and they are of woe!!

Until the next time xxx

Thank you so much for Sarah @ Bookouture Books for the tour invite, and a copy of the book in return for my honest and unbiased review.

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