Well if I am writing this post it means that the blog tour for The Shadow Man has sadly come to an end – collective sigh.
But we get to relive it all over again here!
On a glorious sunny day, we get to kick it off on Monday 14th June
Jessica at Jessica Belmont loves this book, “The Shadow Man by Mark Brownless is the kind of book I want to read all the time. This keeps you guessing from start to finish. I loved the twists and turns.I love the flipping back and forth between present day and 1985. It created a really interesting reading experience while I tried to put the past and present together like a puzzle piece. Also, the past references were enjoyable. It brought a unique atmosphere to this book, and I was able to get lost in it.”
*Wowzers what a review!*
Zelda at Featz Reviews shares THIS review. “I raced through this book in two sittings, eagerly turning the pages wanting to know who or what The Shadow Man was! The ending holds a surprise that I did not see coming, making The Shadow Man a fantastic read for me.”
*High praise indeed!!*!
Cheryl at Cheryl M-M’s Book Blog shares her review, “It’s a psychological thriller with a tinge of deep set fears and how we cope with trauma and said fears. The author hammers home how the human is the unreliable variable in any equation when it comes to memories.”
*Now aren’t you intrigued by this.*
A cloudy Tuesday 15th June but it’s still fun here
Els at b for bookreview has this exclusive extract, “And as I had the dream, the dream of us singing the nursery rhyme – the scariest fucking nursery rhyme that’s passed my lips – I had this thought, this image in my head, of a body. I had the idea that something had started again. Something I had no recollection of. Something that had happened before.“
*God some nursery rhymes can be so bloody scary*
Donna at Donnas Interviews Reviews and Giveaways (FB) loves the nostalgic element “The personal experience of the author shines through in this aspect and has admitted some of the instances in the book actually happened to him.”
*Oooh do love a bit of nostalgia*
Amanda at Ginger Book Geek found it impossible to put down, “Well as soon as I started reading, I found it nigh on impossible to put the book down for any great length of time. The story intrigued me and I had my own theories as to what was going to happen, so of course I had to keep reading to see if I was on the right track or if I had wandered down another path entirely. The more of the book that I read, the more I wanted to read and the quicker those pages seemed to turn. I became so wrapped up in the story that I lost all track of time and just how quickly I was getting through the story.”
*I do love a good story that can do that!*
Hottest day of the year apparently, on 16th June, so we cooled down with these ladies instead
Kate at Everywhere and Nowhere shared this exclusive extract, “It crawled across the bodies of the others lying beside me, then it was above me, on top of me, holding itself up on its arms like a lover. The sigh of its rotten breath was one of despair. It hung over me, eyes staring deep into my soul, scouring back through every past life, my heart hammering in my chest, threatening to break through. The sickly stench grew as its face neared mine, about to deliver whatever killing blow it would use to drag me to hell.”
*Oh my – eek*
Anne at Run Away Irish Girl has this review, “The Shadow Man is well written full of twists and turns which really kept me intrigued and wanting to read more and more. It was really fun jumping back to the 80’s and just seeing what it was like growing up around that time because I wasn’t born then.”
*A book that can make you feel that is always a sign of fab writing!*
Sharon at Sharon Beyond The Book is a new fan, “‘The Shadow Man’ by Mark Brownless is a psychological horror story that had me gripped from beginning to end. Mark Brownless is a new author for me and the best part of being a book blogger is discovering new writers like him.”
*Glad you are a new fan! Welcome to the club*
A cooler and thunder free morning on 17th June as we saw these posts hit,
Erin at Thrill of the Page thought it as the perfect book to read today, “This book is perfect for today because it is creepy, page-turning, and spine tingling. The Shadow Man is a dual timeline thriller set in 1985 and the present. I love when writers utilize this format because it gives the plot a multi-dimensional feel and grants the readers insider access to the characters.“
*Ticks all my boxes, I’m sold!*
Kate at Portable Magic loved the premise of this book, “Brownless writes in a really atmospheric way which made me able to picture the surroundings and the claustrophobic setting of the small village. I was really intrigued by the story of the shadow man and was eager to discover what was going on beyond the myths.”
*This is my kind of book! Atmospheric and claustrophobic, I mean what more do you want*
Claire at A Knight’s Reads puts Mark in the spotlight, we learn about his new WIP, his typical day and his Mastermind subject.
It’s Fri-Yay but there isn’t not much Yay in the weather today on 18th June,
Stefanie at The Magic of Wor(l)ds has this exclusive extract, “There were dolls in the basin of the lake. She’s nearly fifty and she’s playing with dolls? Janey had made a doll for each of us. There was her own of course, with her burns and her leg – that must’ve taken some adapting. There was Katie with her freckles and her wild auburn hair – the freckles looked drawn on, with eyeliner, maybe. This was too weird. Clara’s avatar was there with Sal’s and so was mine. Fuck it was creepy.”
*Yeah safe to say I am creeped out!*
Lynda at lyndas_bookreviews (IG), was scared a little, “Well constructed this tale did manage to fool me right up to the big reveal. It was scary in places; literally and figuratively speaking.”
*This makes me happy LOL*
Rae at Rae Reads stepped out of her comfort zone for this book, “Well, this story took me on quite a journey! With a hint of both horror and supernatural moments this was definitely going to make things interesting. Not to mention the brilliant thread of nostalgia that was woven throughout. The pacing of The Shadow Man was pretty good and I enjoyed the way the author made the transition from past to present.”
*I am glad you took a chance on this book and enjoyed it!*
The sun has disappeared, on 19th June, but I guess that the gloom is the best atmosphere for this book….
Naomi at Read the Week loved that she was spooked, “I liked the spooky aspect, it crawled under my skin and I found myself thinking about “the Shadow Man” in the day whilst working, I looked forward to picking this one up each evening!”
*This is an unsettling book by the sounds of things!*
Simon at Black Books Blog shares this extract, “It appeared that four limbs were randomly scattered around a large pile of ash that had once been her body in the middle of the bed. The lower parts of her limbs were completely untouched by the fire, as was half of her white nylon nightie – the large blue flowers still clearly visible. The rest of the room seemed perfectly normal, with no sign of smoke or charring from the flames. How could such an intense fire have consumed her and done little elseso little damage to the room?”
Gemma at Between the Pages Book Club was hooked from the start, “From the first page this story had me hooked and extremely intrigued! It’s a brilliant story, the first I have read by this author. It’s dark in parts. Descriptive.”
*Yay I am glad you enjoyed it so much!*
20th June means it’s the FINAL day – sad times but we celebrated with these posts,
Dawn at Dawn’s Book Reviews (FB) shares her review, “This is a great story that reads fast, is written well, and has all the elements that will keep you up at night – both while you’re reading and after!”
*I love a book that keeps you up at night*
Jo at Over the Rainbow Book Blog has an exclusive extract, “‘Fuck off. People don’t just burst into flames – they just don’t. And why wasn’t her nightie or bed clothes burned too? Nah, something’s not right. Well, apart from someone being dead not being right, of course.’”
*OH! Well….this is a humdinger*
Tracy at Honestmamreader was hooked by the cover, “The similarities between The Shadow Man and those I’ve mentioned are merely the gangs and location, the development of the story is different and Brownless takes us on a journey to mess with our minds.”
*Yes! A book that messes with your mind!!!!!*
And that is a wrap!
HUGE Thanks to everyone who was involved in this tour!
You can buy it from Amazon UK Amazon US
Until the next adventure xxx

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