Well if I am writing this post it means that the blog tour for The Memories We Bury has sadly come to an end – collective sigh.
Well let us recap instead,
A cooler and thunder free morning on 17th June kicked off the tour today,
Mitsy at mitsy_reads (IG) is a new reader of H.A, “The writing is easy to read but suspensful. I liked the writing a lot. I’m not sure if I would call this book a thriller, but it’s a bit creepy and twisted.”
*I can’t wait to read it!*
Hayley at Hayley Reviews10 shares her thoughts, “This author writes manipulation well and this is by far her best yet. I honestly was on the edge of my seat throughout I felt every single emotion with the characters and the sadness of grief will make you think of the love ones you have lost.”
*Manipulation at its finest, she is good at that!*
Zelda at Featz Reviews has this powerful review, “This is a moving story that keeps you wondering and leaves you shocked at the end. The author manages to keep you guessing. When you reach the end of the book you are reminded of the importance of trusting your instincts about people. When something does not feel right, chances are pretty good that they aren’t. No matter how much you enjoy the attention, do not give someone else too much power over your life. Remain in control, even when you are doubting yourself.”
*Sounds like this packed a punch alright!
It’s Fri-Yay but there isn’t not much Yay in the weather today on 18th June,
Sharon at BookEatBook blows us away with this, “To summarise, this is a closely knit story, tightly controlled and evenly paced building to a tense conclusion with truths disclosed and an unexpected twist. It also works as a quasi treatise on the effect of memories of the past and the impact these can have on our responses to the here and now, their contribution to self doubt and/or our self belief. This is a powerful novel and it comes highly recommended.”
Dawn at Dawn’s Book Reviews (FB) gives this 5* “”The Memories We Bury” had my nerves tied up in knots for almost the entire book. I became deeply invested in the story (which is brilliant!) and the characters (strong, solid, and believable). It was a hard book to put down because I just wanted to know how everything panned out! H.A. Leuschel is a master at writing psychological fiction and I can’t wait for more.”
*Another wow from me!*
It an overcast day, 19th June, but the reviews are hot off the press here
Ceri at Ceri’s Lil Blog reshared her review from one of her favourite books, “I really thought I had the ending sussed early on but the way the multiple perspectives were handled really made me question everything until the very last page, and I loved that!”
*I love a book that makes you question everything*
Donna at Donnas Interviews Reviews and Giveaways (FB) is a new fan too, “It was quite intense and seemed to take a while to get going, but it is so well written that once you’re hooked, you will read the end without stopping, you need to know the answers.”
*Got to love a book that wants you to keep reading!*
Leah at Reflection Of A Reader is a huge fan already, “H.A. Leuschel writes with real style and I have loved everything I have read by her. She really manages to drill down in to what drives people and also what makes them human and who they are. This one is a step above though, absolutely superb.”
*What a review*
It’s Father’s Day today, 20th June, but we are celebrating here with these ladies,
Joanne at Portobello Book Blog reshares her review, “It is quite a dark read and rather addictive with the story alternating between the two women’s points of view. I certainly found it a compelling read as I couldn’t wait to find out exactly what was going on and what memories were being hidden.”
*I love that every day I learn something new about this book*
Kate at Portable Magic shares THIS review, “The Memories We Bury is probably best described as a slow burner, but from the beginning I got the sense that something was very wrong. I had so many questions and I really wanted to know the answers and this kept me engaged until the end.”
*A book that unsettles and keeps you engaged, fantastic*
Sharon at Beyond the Books reshares this review, “This is a perceptive story of the insecurities that can come when motherhood appears and they don’t have the support needed at this time. I could not wait to reach the end and find out exactly what memories were buried and hidden in this deliciously dark read!”
*I need to know the memories now too. Can you tell me the secret?*
The rain is still here on Monday 21st June, but we have this fab reviews to get us through,
Kimberley at Tea, Books and Biscuits shares her thoughts, “The Memories We Bury is a well-written and compelling psychological thriller. At times I found it to be a bit of a slow burner but I couldn’t put it down.”
*This seems to be a recurring theme here.*
Lorre-Anne at lorreannelovesherbooks (IG) enjoyed this book, “This was such an unnerving story as it could so easily happen, and that is terrifying! I thoroughly recommend you read this wonderful book, and I’ll be checking out the other books by Helene too.”
*Wowzers…i have no words….just wow*
The sun has still disappeared, but no bohter we will have a fab time in here on Tuesday 22nd June,
Ashleigh at Ashleigh Hearts Books shares her thoughts, “This book really has you thinking and wondering what is going on as you try to figure out the characters and your opinion of them. It certainly is an interesting story. It is a good psychological thriller with mind games thrown in that keeps you guessing!”
*Do love the mind games*
Lynne at atomicbooks1976 (IG) was hooked, “This book is good. Really good. The story builds up at a perfect pace, so slowly that you don’t even notice it and then you’re hooked!”
*Yes to ALL of this!!!!*
A cool Hump 23rd June day saw the tour end 🙁 with these fabulous posts
Lynsey at Books by Bindu had to know what was going to happen next, “‘The Memories We Bury’ is an emotionally charged, taut psychological thriller that was riveting from the very first page. It captured my attention, especially when threads begun to intertwine and I stayed up very late to finish it off as I just HAD to know what happened!”
*Oh yes! This is intriguing indeed!!*
Sarah at Lost in the Land of Books shares her thoughts, “Leuschel manages to interweave themes of insecurity, hope, lies and trust that just keep you reading and second guessing yourself with where the story is going. I can’t fault the way she wrote about the characters either such well rounded characters.”
*This book sounds immense for sure!*
And that is a wrap!!
Massive thanks to everyone who took part in this tour, you guys all rocked!
You can buy The Memories We Bury on Amazon now!
Until the next adventure xx

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