Well if I am writing this post it means that the blog tour for Out Of Your Head has sadly come to an end, so what did bloggers think?
Well lets find out!
It’s Fri-YAY 25th June and I hope you have a fabulous day where ever you are. These ladies are here to see your weekend in,
Louise at Louise Mullins is a fan already, “I read this title in just one day because from the outset found it really difficult to put down. I thought I had it all figured out but was so glad I was wrong-footed. It’s original, compelling and a real attention-grabber. And I suggest you buy your copy now.”
*Ok, ok I am going!!!*
Wendy at The Bashful Bookworm recommends this book, “Out of Your Head by Rose McClelland is a fast-paced thriller that moved quickly through the drama. The many twists and turns made for an exciting well-paced book.”
*Do love twisty books for sure!*
Jasmine at Jazzy Book Reviews puts Rose in the spotlight, discover her favourite childhood memory, where she would love to travel and whether she has met anyone famous!
It’s Saturday 26th June, I spy some sunshine to kick off the weekend, but before we go, let’s enjoy these posts!
Els at b for bookreview puts Rose in the spotlight, whom she would co-write a book with, how Rose comes up with her book titles, and where she would be a heroine or a villain and so much more….
Sharon at twoladiesandabook (IG) was gripped, “Wow is all I can say from the very beginning this book draws you in and it moves at a really good pace and you keep wanting more. I loved the twists and turns in the book and was completely gripped”
*Oooh there is a consensus of the twists and turns*
Katherine at Just Katherine shares this exclusive extract, “So, this guy thought he could turn me on and off like a switch. He had no idea of the type of woman he was dealing with. I knew that love was like a game but I always had to win.”
*Because this doesn’t sound ominous*
The rain is on it’s way, but we will chase it away on the 27th June with these posts!
Lynda at Lynda’s Book Reviews (FB) is a newbie to Rose’s work, “All that said this was a very good read, a good psychological thriller, one that really deserves that title, with a great twist at the end of the book. I will definitely be looking at more books by this author…”
*Oh I am so glad you enjoyed it and will be back for more!*
Lucy of library_of_lucyg couldn’t put this book down, “A breath taking, absorbing and intense fast paced psychological thriller that I read in one session as I was unable to put it down!”
*Oh I am so glad you enjoyed it and will be back for more!*
It a gloomy Monday 28th June, but we got a bonus post here today
Kate at Portable Magic put Rose in the spotlight today as we find out what the inspiration behind #OutOfYourHead was, what she does in her spare time, her favourite tv show and so much more…..
Bonus post by Kate at Portable Magic loved the ride, “Wow! What a ride! #OutOfYourHead is relatively short and easy to read but the pace is absolutely relentless. There is so much going on that I read this book in less than 24 hours as I was really keen to find out what happened next!”
*I am sold!*
The sun is trying to shine today, on Tuesday 29th, why not check these reviews out instead,
Donna at Donna’s Interviews, Reviews and Giveaways (FB) has now found a new author to follow, “A new author to me and possibly a book I wouldn’t ordinarily have picked up but boy am I glad I did. This is a cracker of a book.”
*We are glad you did too*
Sarah at Bookworm1346 (IG) will be back for more books by Rose, “As soon as I read the first page of this book, i knew that it was going to be full of drama. And drama is what I got!!”
*Now I do love a bit of drama…well in books anyway*
Hump 30th June Day saw me in the office, but these posts kept me distracted,
Stefanie at The Magic of Wor(l)ds shared this exclusive extract, ““It certainly looks like a hit and run. Possibly a red car fled the scene, but there’s a few things don’t add up. The tread marks where the car swerved don’t look like an accident. Forensics said something about layers of rubber on the road. Could be the driver accelerated into the wall. That’s just a possibility.” “You mean deliberately? A suicide? With his own kid in the car?” Simon looks extremely perplexed.”
*Oh wowzers!! This does not sound good*
Jess at Jess Bookish Life was intrigued by the blurb, “When I started reading I was caught in drama, mystery, crime and various POVs that made the story grab my attention. Also, time would pass by so quickly while I was focus on figuring out what was happening. It made the journey of this plot very interesting.”
*Isn’t it great to play detective!!*
If it’s the 1st July, then it can only mean one thing…..the final day 🙁
Sharon at Sharon Beyond the Books thought this book was clever and engrossing, “A book that cleverly blends family issues with drugs and alcohol addiction and the strain children place on a marriage. Rose McClelland clearly knows her stuff. The amount of research is very apparent in this cleverly written and fast-paced read. Another highly enjoyable and engrossing book that I highly recommend.”
*And this was clever and engrossing*
Vik at Little Miss Book Lover 87 was addicted, “This has been completely addictive and unpredictable. I have found the pace has been fantastic. I love that there are a mix of characters present and the author has tackled the topic of mental health.”
*I love it when you find a book addictive*
Kim at Duckfacekim09 (IG) was another happy reader, “If I had to use one word to describe this book it would be gripping. It gripped me from the very first page, and even the very first line.”
*We love gripping books around here! What a final day!*
And that is a wrap!!
Massive thanks to everyone who took part in this tour, you guys all rocked!
You can buy Out Of Your Head on Amazon now!
Until the next adventure xx

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