#AndThatsAWrap – #EchoesofHome @M_L_Rayner @QuestionPress #BlogTour #ZooloosBookTours

Posted May 31, 2021 by Zoé in Zooloos Book Tours / 0 Comments

Well if I am writing this post it means that the blog tour for Echoes of Home has sadly come to an end – collective sigh.

Instead, let us recap what has happened on the tour!

On a windy Monday 24th May,

Liz at The Crime Warp shares this exclusive extract, “With each stride further ventured, the more the shimmering light from behind faded. I slid my sweating palms firmly across the withered wallpaper, its delicate pattern tearing instantly from the touch of my fingers. The hall soon came to an expected end, displaying two entrances that stood at either side. The first remained sturdily in place, unable to be budged from its swollen frame.”

*Well this is a creepy way to start!*

Kate at Portable Magic shares her thoughts on a book outside her comfort zone, “ML Rayner is a really talented writer. Although Echoes Of Home is slightly out of my comfort zone, I immediately felt part of the scenery and I was able to read the novel as if I was part of the story myself. The descriptions are very vivid and they create a wonderful, if slightly creepy, atmosphere that runs through the whole novel.”

*Who doesn’t love a creepy book! Glad you took the risk!*

Rowena at Beneath A Thousand Skies hosts a spotlight on the book.

Tuesday was a sunny morning on the 25th May and these ladies shared their reviews

Deb at dds_book_reviews (IG) doesn’t read ghost stories, “An easy to read style, predominantly in the first person, with wonderful descriptive passages & great characters. The historic references are well researched & heartbreaking in equal measure.”

*So glad you to took the plunge and read this.*

Patrice at prdgreads recommends this book, “This story is a slow burner, but once it gets going the writing is chilling & spooky, everything you want from a ghost story!”

*Well you sold me! I do love a ghost story*

Donna at Donna’s Reviews, Interviews and Giveaways (FB) gave this 5 stars, “I don’t think I have the vocabulary to do this book the justice it deserves. It is so beautifully almost poetically written. You become swept up in the narrative, you feel like you are sitting amongst the stark countryside, by the fire, in one of the comfy chairs, being told the story as it is spoken.”

*WOW, what a review! That blew me away!*

Happy Hump 26th May day, and we have this posts to get us through it!

Jessica at Jessica Belmont is a fan, “I really enjoy the writing style. It’s poetic, in a way, with such beautiful descriptions. Every chapter adds a layer of unease, which just kept me reading and wanting more. I loved Echoes of Home. Highly recommended!!”

*The writing really is somthing else!*

Claire at A Knight’s Reads has an exclusive extract, here is a snippet, “The silence now became somewhat deafening. I waited, wondering if I’d in fact gone completely insane. Whether I really did hear a voice whisper my name was unclear at this precise moment. Yet, it seemed so real.

*A spooky start over here!*

Amanda at Ginger Book Geek does love to discover new authors, and she did today! “Reading ‘Echoes Of Home’ was like being on a slightly scary and unpredictable rollercoaster ride with lots of twists and turns along the way. M. L. Rayner writes so realistically and describes things so vividly that I found myself jumping every time something spooky happened in the story. I suppose you could say that I felt as though I was part of the story myself.

*Don’t you just love a book you can immerse yourself in!*

It is a SUNNY Thursday 27th May, and to celebrate this sunshine we have these lovely ladies,

Linda at Books Of All Kinds shares her thoughts, “An unusual tale that slowly builds up an atmosphere of tension and unease, ECHOES OF HOME by M.L. Rayner is a ghost story with an almost lyrical feel to it and is sure to please fans of this genre. “

*An atmospheric book is just what I need*

Dawn at Dawn’s Book Reviews (FB) got the chills, “A darkly chilling (atmospherically speaking) ghost story in a classic style, “Echoes of Home” is sure to give you plenty of spine shivers and have you jumping at unexpected noises late at night. The characters are relatable and well-formed, the plot is smooth and flows very well, and the writing is enjoyable. Here’s hoping for more from M.L. Rayner!”

*Oooh a book to give you chills!*

Emily at A Quintillion Words is a huge fan, “This is a seriously gripping ghost story that really surprised me! The author creates a unique tone with an unforgettable eerie atmosphere which I thought was very clever indeed, something which must have been difficult to pull off so perfectly. Rayner is a master of tension building and an absolute wizard in creepy storytelling; reading this will certainly have you afraid of the dark for a while!”

*I just LOVE this review.*

It’s Friday 28th May, the first day of Half term for me and this is how I kicked my day off!

Lorna at  On the Shelf Reviews has these words to say, “Goodness, I didn’t realise this was going to be quite such an emotional ride, with some really moving and tragic moments. Of course, there were some good spine chilling and spooky instances too”

*Am I going to need tissues???*

Joanne at Portobello Book Blog discovered 10 things about Matt, including what he is currently reading, what he does when he isn’t writing, what instrument he plays and much more.

Shell at Baker’s Not So Secret Blog has this exclusive extract, “I looked up to the night sky and then down to the shadowed house, momentarily stretching to loosen the discomfort that sat unpleasantly between my joints. I circled my stance, and a frown settled swiftly across my puzzled face, the conclusion quickly hitting me that no one was here to meet me. Not a soul.”

*Where is everyone?*

29th May saw it being the penultimate day of the tour!!

Sharon at Sharon Beyond the Books was a bit jumpy by the end of it, “An absolute corker of a story! Nothing better for me than being creeped out and learning things I didn’t know before at the same time. I hope to see another book in the future by M.L Rayner.”

*Thank god there is another book by Mr Rayner coming shortly”

Lesley at The Bookwormery loves a good ghost story, “Beautifully written and atmospheric, you can feel the chill breeze and the creaks of an old cottage….a classic ghost story that will make a perfect Halloween read.”

*And who doesn’t love a classic ghost story!*

It is the final day, it’s 30th May….it’s a sad day but at least we ended with these posts!

Karen at Book Blogging Bureau was slightly unsettled at times, “This is a really unsettling but absorbing book, once I started Leslie’s story I could not put it down. There are strange sightings, plenty of things that go bump in the night.”

*Oooh I will be checking under my bed before I read this, and all lights on…..oh wait who am I kidding!!*

Zelda at Featz Reviews is entertained by this, “M.L. Rayner writes a truly old-fashioned ghost story. While reading this book you feel as if you are transported back in time. His beautiful description of the harsh weather conditions and the stunning scenery of Elphin leaves you wishing you can visit this isolated village.”

*Another happy reader who loves an old fashioned ghost story*

Sharlene at shh_reads_ (IG) thought this was a great debut, “The narrative is descriptive and at times unsettling, especially the history of the famines and really does make you realise how the past affects the present.”

*I just love a book that can unsettle me*

Steph at Bookshine and Readbows as this exclusive extract, “A sharp cramp shooting up my neck awoke me. The fire still burned bright, and I could tell without looking that the weather was still as persistent as before. What a horrible dream, I thought through the discomfort clenching firmly at the back of my tender neck.”

*Oooh what dream did he have???*

And that is a wrap! Don’t know about you but I enjoyed that, the time flies!

You can buy it on Amazon UK, Amazon US

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