The tour for Trauma to Truth by Claire Louise Robinson has now come to an end. You can view everyone’s full post via the tour (link in the tour name above) page but here are some highlights

Publication Day: 7th April 2023
Trauma to Truth is a self help book, using poetry and prose that documents a journey through trauma to truth.
It tells a story from start to finish and how it is possible to go from recovery to starting the discovery of who you can become.
It begins with Trauma and how it was personally viewed and moves through the process of unpicking, un-ravelling, highlighting the highs, lows and all the emotions in between. It covers anger, domestic abuse, grief, love and loss, finally finishing with forgiveness.
It is a raw and honest account of one woman’s story to share that there is in fact light at the end of the tunnel and you do not have to be defined by your past.
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See you then!

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