Well if I am writing this post it means that the blog tour for Secret Mage has sadly come to an end – did you find out the secrets?
Let’s recap
Yay!! 2nd July saw the tour kick off!!
Hayley’s Bookroom Blog jumped at the chance to read this book, “What I enjoyed immensely was that each scene and event were not bogged down with reams and reams of descriptive writing, the action that took place was sharp, crisp and straight to the point. This made some of the magical ‘fight’ scenes memorable. The culmination of Reggie’s journey at the end of this book ends at a pivotal moment leaving you desperate to read what happens next. This first book sets the scene for what is to come.”
*Ooh I do love that you want the next book already!*
Between the Pages Book Club fell in love with the series, “What a brilliant introduction into this series… A series I am excited for. I devoured it. I loved it. I enjoyed it. Highly recommend.”
*I love the enthuasism.*
It is the weekend, but before you start your day, let’s check in with these posts on 3rd July
jay.rae.reads (IG) wants the sequel, “This novel is a must buy. I can’t wait to see if there will be a sequel, and I sincerely can’t wait to read it. I’m hooked.”
*Oh I do love this!*
The Magic of Wor(l)ds shares this extract, “Her thin T-shirt was soaked, and smelled like smoke. Her hands shook as she hugged herself. She didn’t want to think about what had happened in biology class. Reggie hadn’t told anyone, had ignored her teacher’s questioning glance and her classmates’ curiosity.”
*Oh I wonder what happened in class*
We kicked back on Sunday 4th July, Independance day, with these fabulous posts
Jessica Belmont thought this was everything and more, “The world building and writing in Secret Mage is top knotch. It’s what I’d hoped for when I started reading. I could imagine everything, vividly, but the narrative wasn’t bogged down by too much description.”
*I do love a book where you can picture everything as if you were there*
Jazzy Book Reviews shares this exclusive extract, “Reggie’s escalating terror affected the animals below. The attacks become more vicious. “Reggie, listen to me. I know you’re frightened, but you need to calm down. They’re attracted to your magic and your fear is making it worse. I can feel it too. That’s why they’re not leaving, that’s why the boar isn’t running away.””
*Ooh what an extract!*
We started a new week, 5th July, and it kicked off here
Just Katherine shared her exclusive extract, “He stretched out a hand to reach through the shimmer and a thunderous boom echoed through the forest, followed by the sound of sizzling flesh. Blue energy crackled from the indention of the man’s handprint in the barrier. Smoke trickled from his fingers.”
*Ouch sounds painful!*
Nat’s Bookish Corner (FB) has these thoughts, “This is a fast and action packed book from beginning to end and kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through.The main female character is written as a strong character which I love to read about.”
*Now who doesn’t love a kick ass female*
Tuesday, 6th July, came along and we saw these two reviews,
Donna’s Interviews, Reviews and Giveaways (FB) was in awe, “This is a great and clever book, that is easy to read due to short chapters. It doesn’t ever stray into cliche and is different from other books of the same kind of genre at the moment.”
*Just all of this!*
snowphiethebookworm (IG) is a new fan, “This was a brilliant start to the series , from the first page it hooked me. Reggie is possibly my favourite character from any YA fantasy books , she is a tough cookie and even though she had to go through losing her father she carries on.”
*I love that there is another new fan!*
Eeek! It’s the 7th July which means it is nearly the end of the tour!!!
b for bookreview puts Rebecca under the spotlight, how she likes to write, if she would be a goodie or a baddie, who she would love to interview and so much more….
Fantasy Book Nerd shares his thoughts on his visit, “I enjoyed my visit to The Other. In fact I enjoyed this bit immensely, and Rebecca Jaycox builds a solid and believable world that she shows you through the eyes of the character, which is my favorite method of world building rather than massive info dumps.”
*I love that this book makes you believe it’s real*
Dawn’s Book Reviews (FB) has this epic review, “And breathe…! “Secret Mage” is an absolutely brilliant read that I didn’t want to put down. Rebecca Jaycox writes with a fluidity that makes the book fly past (which is a bit of a shame because I wanted to stay in the story for a lot longer!).“
*There is nothing more I can say, wow*
8th July means it is the last day of the tour!!! I promise I’m not crying
LoupDargent.Info shares this exclusive extract, ““This might be hard for you to understand. Your father wasn’t from here. He never was supposed to come here, but he was always headstrong, too curious for his own good, and very powerful,” the man said with affection. “And once he met your mother . . . I knew he was never going to be whole living in our world again.””
*Oooh very curious!*
Cover2Cover Blog has this to say, “I was impressed with the fast moving plot and how well the world was built up around the adventure. I will love to read this series and learn more about the characters as we progress.”
*I love that there is such a general consensus about the book*
Sue Wallace wants the next book, “A brilliant read. I loved Reggie and Asher and John. I also loved Brwyn. I loved how he spoke. Didn’t trust Megan at all. A surprising twist. Lots of action. I can’t wait for book 2.”
*I think a lot of people are with you on this about book 2*
And that is a wrap! Thank you ever so much to everyone on this tour and who shared the posts!
Secret Mage is out now to buy at Amazon UK, Amazon US and it’s only the start of the series!
Until the next adventure xxx

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