TOUR SIGN-UP: The Last by D. Ellis Overttun
Hi everyone! An exciting new tour sign-up for you today!
The hunted protect themselves from hunters on a post-apocalyptic world fast approaching destruction, its surface peppered with space‑time distortions that will one day tear it apart
The tour is running from 25th November – 4th December. It is a digital review-only tour.
Publication Day: 25th August 2024
Gleaming cities reduced to pockets of civilization huddled behind palisade walls. The hunted protect themselves from hunters on a post-apocalyptic world fast approaching destruction, its surface peppered with space‑time distortions that will one day tear it apart. A forgotten three, Alicia, James and Halvor, labor in the last stronghold of a once technologically advanced society, hoping to finish a monumental undertaking before they are forced to leave.
A safe haven called “Terra Nova” has been found in another universe. Thousands of unsuspecting communities spread across the globe must be relocated as well as inoculated to protect against the biodiversity of the new habitat. After almost a millennium, a chance encounter with Ash, an outcast hunter child, yields half the answer. Her DNA contains the antibodies for a vaccine, but simulations only go so far. Ultimately, she must travel to that alien planet. Experience has taught her to think only of herself. Fearing the choice will be made for her, she flees deep underground. Aidos was once a vibrant subterranean city. Now, it is home to a supernatural being. None who go return.
Ash reasons the ancient legends will prevent pursuit. She is wrong. Alicia is the only person with any chance of surviving the journey. The one who holds domain over an underworld kingdom is also her guardian. Once, he was an astrophysicist investigating the mysteries of space‑time, her father’s best friend. An accident on a scientific expedition transformed him into an immortal. The tragic death of the woman he loved turned him inward to retreat into darkness to seek revenge and mourn his loss.
As time runs out, two parts to solve the crisis converge: a child with a robust immune system and a tortured soul with unique insight into the very phenomenon of the approaching inexorable extinction event. Will they agree to help? Is it too little too late?
Meet D. Ellis Overttun
“The pen is mightier than the sword.” My mother’s words have resonated with me over the years. A call to write, not a call to arms. Storytelling — a way to get out of things or avoid trouble. Navigating bullies as a child developed a keen sense of wordplay. Biology, chemistry and physics in university led to science fiction.
Do you want to be a part of the tour?