Well if I am writing this post it means that the blog tour for Death Rains Down has sadly come to an end – what did we think of Ray?
Let’s recap with these snippets
It’s 7th July which means it’s the start of the tour
Splashes into Books shares her review, “…this is a story that has Logue fighting establishment restrictions and concerns over just who can be trusted. It is a story with robust, believable characters with great interactions.”
Kath V Books has this to say, “Set in Ireland, Kevin has created a great cast of characters in Death Rains Down. I enjoyed Logues relationship with sidekick Jack McGarry and I certainly didn’t work out how it was going to end”
Sharon Beyond the Books is a fan, “A great start to a new series. The two detectives are a brilliant duo and I am looking forward to learning more about them. This is a novella sized book that is packed with action and great characters which had me reading it in one session.”
Everywhere and Nowhere shares this exclusive extract, ““Yea, by the way, did Anna’s Pawalowski’s mobile phone ever show up around the crime scene?” Logue asked. “Nope, no sign of one and we couldn’t find her apartment keys either. I better go. It looks like TV reporters have turned up. Fucking brilliant,” McGarry replied. “Comb your hair McGarry, you scruff, you’re going to be on TV tonight.” Logue laughed as he put down the phone.”
*What a start to the tour, I know I am intrigued by Ray and I love this extract!*
So nearly the weekend but on Thursday 8th July we kicked back with these posts,
The Word is Out – Alyson’s Reviews (FB) shares these words, “A slow and steady start to the story really picks up the pace towards the end, culminating in a cracking final chapter!”
A Knight’s Reads shares this exclusive extract, “About what? About the murder, you dopey bastard. A pretty Polish girl found dead, strangled with a rope. Her boyfriend has gone AWOL and a kilo of coke in their apartment,” Logue said.”
*A cracking final chapter and extract. Boy is that a lot of coke too*
FRI – 9th July – YAY! We spent the day with these bloggers to get us in the mood
Jessica Belmont loves the pacing of this book, “Death Rains Down by Kevin McManus is a mystery/thriller that really packed a punch in its short amount of pages. The reader is thrown tight in from page one, and I love the pacing. The twists were excellent and I was taken by surprise, quite a few times.”
The Crime Warp puts Kevin under the spotlight as we find out 2 things that we don’t already know about him, which exotic place he would like to live and so much more.
Lorreannelovesherbooks (IG) is a fan, “I thoroughly enjoyed this fast paced police thriller, it might be a short book but it certainly packed lots in! It’s got a good plot, strong likeable characters, and I loved the ending!”
*I see a picture now that the final chapter is going to blow my mind! And did you catch which exotic place Kevin wants to visit?*
Saturday 10th July is here, before we all go crazy, let’s see what these bloggers have to say
Donna’s Interviews, Reviews and Giveaways (FB) shares her review, “The ending was left open for a sequel and I will look forward to reading it if that’s the case. I really enjoyed it”
Herding Cats wants to scream a lot, “The opening chapter had me screaming at Anna to stay away as something was off from the start. What unfolds is an investigation that leads down a path further than anyone could imagine.”
Touring Tales shares this exclusive extract, “”…Your wife Cathleen would love that, married to a Chief Superintendent. She would be so proud of her little Jack,” Logue said as he reached over and gave McGarry’s cheek a little pinch.”
*So I am going to be screaming at the beginning of the book and mind will be blown at the end! Plus that Logue, he’s bit of a rogue.*
11th July is a Sunday, a relaxing day on all accounts,
Bookworm Blogger shares her thoughts, “The whole plot, characters and final revelations were well thought out and this story certainly had ‘Line of Duty’ vibes.”
Lyndas_bookreviews (IG) has this to say, “Death Rains Down is a short book, not much more than a novella, but full of action and fast paced”
The Magic of Wor(l)ds puts Kevin under the spotlight, which fictional character of his he would have for tea, his writing habits, where his ideas come from and so much more…
*Line of Duty! Colour me intrigued, I love that show! Did you learn anything new about Kevin?*
12th July means that is the penultimate day of the tour!!
Compulsive Readers shares this exclusive extract, “She never heard the footsteps coming up behind her, the first sensation was something being wrapped and twisted around her neck. Her hands instinctively shot upwards to pull at what was strangling her, to try to free herself but her strength did not match the force that was pulling it tight.”
My Bookish Bliss recommends this book, “I recommend this book to those of you who like their police procedurals with a bit of gusto. The exhilaration from all the action leaves you breathless.”
atomicbooks1976 (IG) loves the gallows humour, “Despite being a relatively short story it still manages to pack a punch with drugs, murder, and police chases. The two lead detectives add a perfect element of humour to an otherwise dark crime filled story.”
*I will make sure I read this book sitting down when reading this book.*
13th July means it’s the final day….I’m not crying!
Mikaela Reads shares this review, “This crime thriller stood out to me through the characters of Logue and his partner McGarry. They relationship between them was excellent and the characters leapt off the page.”
b for bookreview shares this exclusive extract, “However, at that moment a large crowd of young women came in screaming and falling through the front door. They looked like the Hen Night from hell. While the young barman was distracted, Logue stuck the framed photo into his jacket pocket and swallowed the last of his pint.”
Portable Magic enjoyed her time reading this, “There are a number of suspects in Death Rains Down and it was interesting to try and work out what had happened. The tension builds gradually throughout the novel so that by the time we reach the end, it is explosive!”
*What a way to end this tour! WOW*
So basically, I learned that this book is fast paced, action packed with humour thrown in. There is a lot of coke involved and it can get quite dark but it’s will blow your mind when you finish it!
Well that is most certainly a wrap!
Death Rains Down is out now to buy Amazon UK, Amazon US

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