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Publication Day: 22nd May 2024
Published by: Inkubator Books
Chloe is serving a life sentence. In her own home.
Ever since the horrific day her mother died, Chloe’s life has been anything but normal – more like a carefully constructed prison. Her father hasn’t let her go to school, have friends or leave the house alone.
As she grows up, Chloe begins to question the motives behind her dad’s obsessive control.
What would happen if she broke one of his many rules?
And what exactly is he hiding under the overgrown grass in the back garden?
When new neighbors arrive next door, they trigger a chain of events that causes Chloe to suspect her father’s motives are far darker than she knew.
Now she faces the terrifying consequences of defying the man who controls her every waking moment.
Will she risk everything to win her freedom or will her father’s dark secrets keep her captive forever?

Meet Ruth Harrow
Ruth Harrow was born and raised in England and graduated from university before embarking on an unfulfilling career in an office job.
She eventually put pen to paper and her debut psychological thriller, In Her Footsteps, was published in 2018. It quickly became a bestseller.
Following the success of her first novel, her second and third books followed shortly afterwards. She lives in the UK with her husband, two children and chocolate Labrador, Rolo.

Inkubator Books
Based in Dublin, Ireland, a city famed for its writers, Inkubator Books is a brand new digital publisher specialising in genre fiction – crime, mystery and thrillers. Our primary focus in on the Amazon eBook market, but we also publish print on demand paperbacks.
Being writers ourselves, we are very much an author-centred business. We have excellent editorial skills and have a proven track record in launching bestsellers on the Amazon platform (check out Anatomy of an Amazon Bestseller for more information on our approach to marketing )
If you come to us as a fully formed author, that’s great. If you are an emerging writer who needs some extra support then have a look at our unique Writer’s Room process which will help you bring your craft up to a whole new level.
We offer all our writers 45% of net receipts without any unexpected deductions or expenses. We take our fee from the remaining 55% which is also used to finance the editing, cover design and on-going marketing of your book.