Coming Soon

Starting Soon – The Atenisti by Aidan K Morrissey @AidanKMorrissey #TheAtenisti #ZooloosBookTours

Starting 17th July for 14 days, we are touring with The Atenisti by Aidan K Morrissey

Publication Day: 11th August 2022 by The Conrad Press

‘The Atenisti’ is a global rollercoaster ride of murder, the quest for justice, and retribution through the eyes of a conscience-driven assassin.

Travelling under numerous aliases, Ricci, a member of a secret organisation, finishes a mission in London.

Apparently followed, he escapes to Italy. Seeking to avenge the kidnap, rape and murder of a young girl, he is plunged into a battle against a worldwide paedophile ring of extraordinary extent and power.

This battle leads Ricci from Italy, through Germany, to India and beyond.

Can he take on the might of this criminal network which seems determined to eliminate him?

See you on tour


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