Starting Soon – Oscar of the Bismarck by Frances Y Evan @FrancesEvan7 @BlossomSpring3 #OscaroftheBismarck #ZooloosBookTours
Starting 1st February we are touring with Oscar of the Bismarck by Frances Y Evan
Publication Day: 9th December 2022 by Blossom Spring Publishing
Oscar the cat served on the German warship, Bismarck, as well as several British ships during World War II.
When the new battleship Bismarck is built, launched and commissioned, Oscar is there to witness it all. He is soon accepted by the crew and becomes the ship’s mascot as they embark on their mission.
Narrated from Oscar the cat’s point of view, he describes life at sea, the battles and the fate of his shipmates, as well as his own personal challenge to outwit, hunt and capture an elusive, sneaky, grey cat with little black ears!
A wonderfully emotional and uplifting story, told from a very different perspective!
We are on tour from 1st – 5th February, hope to see you there!