Coming Soon

Starting Soon – Not My Child by Jane E. James @jane_e_james @joffebooks #NotMyChild #ZooloosBookTours

Starting 14th September for 7 days, we are touring with Not My Child by Jane E. James

Publication Day: 14th September 2023 published by Joffe Books

All Tara longs for is her lost child to find her. But she should be careful what she wishes for . . .

Tara’s life is almost perfect. Her handsome husband Dino adores her. They have two beautiful children. Although money is tight, their marriage is happy.

But there’s something missing.

Tara can never forget the baby she was forced to give up for adoption all those years ago. The boy she called Ryan. She always wonders what happened to him.

Finally, a young man comes looking for Tara. He says he’s Ryan, her long-lost son.

His arrival will destroy everything in Tara’s carefully-constructed new life.

Because Tara has been keeping secrets from her husband and everyone around her. Secrets that Ryan’s appearance will force into the open — with horrifying consequences.

See you on tour


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