TBC Reading Challenge 2021

[challenge-books for=”2021 TBC Reading Bingo” overview=”yes”]

Over on Facebook there is a page called THE Book Club (TBC) and this year I am taking part in the Challenge. Here is the Challenge

12 books over 12 months.

1. A book with the word BOY, GIRL, MAN, or WOMAN in the title. – The Burning Girls by C.J Tudor

2. A book with the title beginning with D

3. A book written by an author member of TBC

4. A book recommended by a random member of TBC

5. The first book in a series you haven’t read

6. A book whose title is perfect for IN MY PANTS

7. A book written by an author whose surname begins with either T, B or C

8. A book published in 2015

9. A book with a colour or season in the title.

10. A book outside of your comfort zone in a genre you don’t normally read.

11. A book set in any country except UK

12. A book personally recommended to you by Tracy Fenton.

So here is what I chose! Listed in the order of the list above.

1 – 6


Are you taking part? What did you choose?

Until next time xxx