Lamb of God by Catherine Fearns

On Tour 17th – 30th July 2023

Book Tour Schedule

July 17thJuly 18hJuly 19th
fiction_vixen18 (IG)Rajivs ReviewsThe Word Is Out (FB)

July 20thJuly 21stJuly 22nd
Zooloo’s Book DiarySue Loves to Readredhead_reviews1 (IG)

July 23rdJuly 24thJuly 25th
Pauline RenderScintillabook_a_holic_17 (IG)

July 26hJuly 27thJuly 28th
Claires_loveofbooks2020 (IG)pause_theframe (IG)prdgreads

July 29thJuly 30th
Whatyoutolkienaboutmeandmybookshelf (IG)
kaz_loves_books9 (IG)Bookworm86