Meet Glennis Goodwin
Glennis Goodwin is a British author who has long held an interest in the myths and culture of the Ancient Egyptians. Along with that, the people of southern Africa have also been of interest and in the early 1980s, she was fortunate to find herself living and working in Zambia. While there she became involved with organising charity events through the Lioness Club which helped in fundraising activities for the local community. This she did for five years before returning to the UK in 1987.
In her working life, she has gone from Nursing to Retail and from Academic Publishing to PA, but during that time she never lost the feeling that Africa gave her, and, in those years, she had holidays in both Egypt and Kenya.
In 2004, she aimed to return to her Nursing career and enrolled in New Zealand on a refresher course. Settling into life on the other side of the world, she continued to further her career, met her husband and made her home there.
Sadly, a brain haemorrhage and slight stroke ended her study, but after her recovery, she found herself wanting to write, something she had longed to do but never seemed to have the time for. Returning to the UK in 2017, she settled down at her computer, revisiting an idea put aside years previous, and over the following months, the tales of the Eight Deities of the Primordial Chaos came to life in the story of Malian, the altar tender. Her first book, The Eighth Deity then came into being and The Gods of Chaos series was born.
Now living in a Nottinghamshire village, she has since written Brotherhood of Apep, the second book in the series, and her third book In the Footsteps of Ra has recently been published. At present, she is working on her fourth title, The Papyrus of Ma’at, which adds to her work.