If I Can’t Have You by Louise Mullins

On Tour 9th – 22nd January 2023

Book Tour Schedule

January 9thJanuary 10thJanuary 11th
Tealeavesandbookleavesdreaming_of_selfcare (IG)Sharon Beyond The Books
BookwormJournaltwoladiesandabook (IG)Pauline Render
The Word Is Out (FB)

January 12thJanuary 13thJanuary 14th
snowphiethebookworm (IG)prdgreadspaws.read.repeat (IG)
Bookchatter@cookiebiscuitSue Loves to Read
Pause_theframe (IG)

January 15thJanuary 16thJanuary 17th
penfoldlayla (IG)The Staffymum’s Book NookStaceywh_17 (IG)
dds_book_Reviews (IG)Charliebeesbooks

January 18thJanuary 19thJanuary 20th
twilight_reader (IG)wendyreadsforfun (IG)chaoshappinessbookmama (IG)
_lozzieloves (IG)book_a_holic_17 (IG)

January 21stJanuary 22nd
nlcraigwrites (IG)Bookworm86
fiction_vixen18 (IG)
Atomicbooks1976 (IG)