Dark Fiction by Jon Richter

On Tour 10th – 19th June 2023

Book Tour Schedule

June 10thJune 11thJune 12th
Dee100309 (IG)WhatyoutolkienaboutPaulalearmouth (IG)
Pauline Renderljwritesandreviews (IG)fiction_vixen18 (IG)
Sue loves to read

June 13thJune 14thJune 15th
Portable MagicJazzy Book Reviewspause_theframe (IG)
Dr Alice Violettpenfoldlayla (IG)kaz_loves_books9 (IG)

June 16thJune 17thJune 18th
Read and RatedFUONLYKNEWBookworm86
Read, Write, Inspirealittlemixofvix (IG)Monkey Reviews

June 18th
book_a_holic_17 (IG)
Claires_loveofbooks2020 (IG)