On Tour 14th – 18th November 23

Publication Day: 5th September 23
published by: Blossom Spring Publishing
Carol Flynn and Jack Wallis are living and working in the same square mile, eighty years apart.
In the twenty-first century, Carol is afraid of potential dangers lurking in the outside world and locks herself away safely at home.
Longing to improve her mental health she keeps a diary and rehomes a dog to help her go outside and meet other people.
When out walking Biddy, her Bichon Frise, she sees a poster protesting the closure of the local social club and unwillingly finds herself co-opted onto the committee to save it.
In the twentieth century, Jack is on the home front as the first line of defence for the aeroplane factory, fighting the dangers that invade his world. He has made a special human connection and wants to explore it before time runs out.
When Covid 19 threatens the closure of the social club on their housing estate, saving it could acknowledge Jack’s affections and provide the community Carol is trying to find.

Meet Trudie Pabor
Trudie Pabor lives on the outskirts of Coventry. Having worked as a secondary school teacher in various schools for twenty-four years, she now helps university students to achieve their goals. Whilst obtaining a master’s in creative writing, she made several contributions to a university anthology and has continued to write since.
Trudie enjoys cycling to work and takes inspiration from the world around her. ‘You never know what you are going to see that will spark your imagination!’ A background in secondary education shaped her first novel ‘The Malady of Miss Maybely’, and her experiences of living in Coventry have heavily influenced her second novel ‘The Canterbury Tails.’
Book Tour Schedule
November 14th |
leannebookstagram (IG) |
book_a_holic_17 (IG) |
November 15th |
Silkybookloverfun (IG) |
November 16th |
Rambling Mads |
November 17th |
Bookswith_gina (IG) |
fiction_vixen18 (IG) |
November 18th |
pause_theframe (IG) |
Bookworm86 |
prdgreads |