Book Review

Book Review : The Year of Starting Over by Karen King


This is the first book of romance I have read by Karen. The only other book I have read by Karen was a psychological thriller – so I was intrigued to see how she would do with the romance – answer – fantastically well.

What a book of hope and love and finding yourself. I loved that Holly left everything, packed her yellow mini and went to Spain. I LOVED her business and her ethics. I always love a good will-they-won’t-they romance when it’s done right. Well, it was 100% done right here.

It was also a slow burn, but after Holly “rescued” Matias their relationship evolved into a beautiful friendship where he was helping with her bucket list. Seriously, I just want to go on a plane and start afresh after this book. It is a book of hope and what can be and the fact the author has done something similar- well they say write what you know.

It was a gorgeous book, perfect for this sunny weather, and pure escapism. I won’t hesitate to get a book by this author no matter the genre as she is one heck of a writer!

I loved Holly and her adventure, and the audiobook narrator easily captured all of this. She was great and allowed me to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Until the next time xxx

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